Positive Reviews Distribution

97% of people read reviews for local businesses before making a buying decision. For 80% of consumers, online reviews have changed their minds about a purchase, emphasizing the need for companies to nurture, manage, and respond to online reviews. At Bridge City Firm, we offer positive online review management services that help your business attract more reviews and sales, as well as happy clients. To speak to us about Positive Reviews Distribution, you can reach us at (877) 328-6049.

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Generate More Positive Reviews

High percentage consumers

Knowing that such a high percentage of consumers research products and companies online before making a purchase, it is vital that you have a good positive reviews distribution program in your marketing package.

Business on social media

Having business pages on social media and online platforms will allow you to reach new customers, drive traffic to your website, and increase sales. But in order to attract customers, you need to have a system in place for growing your positive reviews if you want to build a solid foundation for your business.

How Important are Positive Reviews for Generating More Revenue?

How Important are Positive Reviews for Generating More Revenue?

97% of people read reviews for local businesses before making a buying decision

86% of users say that negative reviews outweighing positive reviews will stop them from making a purchase or using a service.

91% of 18-34 year old’s trust online reviews as much or more as personal recommendations from friends or family.

89% of consumers read businesses responses to reviews

3.3 is the minimum star rating of a business that users would buy a product or service from

68% of consumers will leave a review if asked.

A one-star increase in online reviews rating leads to a 5-9% increase in revenue

Customers are willing to spend 31% more on a business with excellent reviews

Only 13% of consumers will consider using a business that has a 1 or 2 star rating

Four out of five consumers have changed their minds about a recommended purchase after reading negative online reviews

Businesses risk losing as many as 22% of customers when just one negative article is found by users considering buying their product. If three negative articles pop up in a search query, the potential for lost customers increases to 59.2%

Positive Online Reviews are Vital

Bridge city firm expert

With positive online review management services from Bridge City Firm, our team of reputation management experts will evaluate your online presence and implement a positive review management strategy to take your business to the next level.

Maintain positive review

No matter your industry, managing and maintaining positive reviews should be an integral part of your online presence. Bad reviews can taint your reputation, so taking the time to grow positive reviews each and every month will make a world of difference for your profit margins.

Manage bad review

Reviews will make or break your business since so many people search for online reviews before making purchases or moving forward with buying your services. Understanding how to manage and respond to both positive and negative reviews is crucial for the success of your business.

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